Friday, January 22, 2016


Timang beach located in Padukuhan Danggolo, Purwodadi, District Tepus-district, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. [3] The journey overland from the city of Yogyakarta to timang beach takes about 3 hours. [4] To reach this beach visitors will be little difficulty because less there are signposts adequate. [6] Distance beach Timang from Wonosari (Capital District Gunung) about 35 km. [6] From the direction Wonosari visitors going through the direction to Baron to be able to. [6] From the junction Mulo visitors turn from the beginning towards the beach Baron became to Siung to meet market Dakbong. [6] After passing through the market street street began to change from the asphalt into the stony ground like a road to off-road competition. [6] The use of motors for all-terrain will further facilitate the trip. [7] This beach is flanked by beaches along the coastal areas Tepus. [3] On the west coast there are beaches that align with Timang including Beach Chrysanthemum, Coastal Pok tunggal Beach and Ngetun. [3] On the east coast there are beach Jogan, Siung Beach and Nglambor. [sourches : WIKIPEDIA]

First tourist attractions in Yogyakarta which is also famous for its beautiful beaches. Not beaches like in general, but there is also a unique beach. Tourist attractions in the form of this unique beach you'll find at timang beach. Timang beach this condition is similar to the beaches of the south in general: big choppy and steep cliffs and rocky coral. Special, on this beach there is a traditional gondola made of rope and wooden stakes used commonly attached to you are challenged to climb up coral islands off the coast. Gondola is commonly used by fishermen to find lobster on coral island with waves setingnggi at least 5 meters. calm, gondola is safe for you. Always check security every day.

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